Sunday, February 13, 2011

"Falling." "Fall on!"

There are days in my life when I feel like I actually understand what God is doing........and then......I wake up.

Hebrews 11 says that "faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." Oh man...those words....grrrrr to those stinkin' words (fist waving in the air)! Anyone else in this world want to actually KNOW what is going on their lives and why it is happening instead of just trying to have "faith" that things are gonna work out? If there was ever a time in my life when this was true, it is now. I have listened to people all my life tell me that I just have to trust God and that all will be great. In fact, there is even a song that says that trusting will bring me happiness in Jesus. Trust. Ugh. What a word, right?"

Trust and obey for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus, than to trust and obey."

I love rules. Rules make the world go 'round. The people that drive me the most nuts are the people that think that rules don't apply to them and that they can do whatever they want regardless of what the rules say. I have always thought that I was really good at following rules. What frustrates me sometimes about my walk with Christ is that I don't know the plan. And I most definitely want to know the plan. I want to know what is happening now and why. I want to know what will happen tomorrow and why. I want to know what will happen in fifty years...and why. I want the plan because with the plan comes rules and with rules...comes happiness. Right? That's what the song says, right? Oh. Crud. No, it doesn't.




When I was in college, I was a part of a team that traveled around mainly to youth groups and did team building activities. At some point during most of our weekends, we would begin the "trust" initiatives. We had been trained to use certain commands to keep everyone in the know and to make sure that no one got hurt. The commands went as follows:

Faller: "(Catcher's name) are you ready?"

Catcher: "Yes (faller's name), I'm ready."

Faller: "Falling."

Catcher: "Fall on."

Most kids took this stuff seriously enough, but every once in awhile there were a few students that thought it would be funny to joke around during this portion of the initiative. This was always frustrating for me as a leader. The commands were meant to keep the kids safe while showing them the power of trust and the exhilarating reward that comes with obeying. If the kids goofed off, someone was bound to get hurt because they hadn't heard all of the rules that went along with the commands. That meant that things could get confusing. It meant that the student had to ask what was going on, and if the other students took it upon themselves to share the commands instead of asking us, then it was just a bunch of voices trying to relay things they had heard instead of simply listening to the voice that had said it originally. When the student chose to go to the original source (us), the confusion was cleared up.

It is the same with us. God's commands are intended to keep us safe while showing us the power of trust and the reward of obeying. When we only listen to the people around us who merely think they know what the Original Source said, we can get confused. But when those voices say what think followed up by pointing us to the Real Deal, the confusion is cleared up. Trusting and Obeying is not about blindly going through life. It is about following the commands that have been set up for us so that we can see the power of Trusting and the reward of Obeying.

What I am realizing more and more as I grow older...ish..., is that it is not just about the blind trust. It is not just about the falling and "hoping" that someone will be there to catch me. It's about obeying. God says over and over again that He is faithful. He says that He will make good on His promises. He says that all things will work out for the good. He may not tell me how every finite detail is going to pan out, or what the consequence will be for each choice I make. However, He has given me an entire book full of words that are meant to teach and to train me. Words that I am meant to obey. God has given me the commands to use so that I can know that it is safe to fall. He is letting me know that He is back there ready to catch me. He isn't messing around. He isn't joking. He knows that this is serious stuff. He wants me to trust Him, and He expects me to obey the commands.

"God are You ready?"

"Yes, Jess, I'm ready."


"Fall on."