You remember the joke from your childhood, right?
Person 1: Pete and Repeat were sitting in a boat. Pete fell out; who was left?
Person 2: Repeat.
Person 1: Pete and Repeat were sitting in a boat. Pete fell out; who was left?
Person 2: Uh....not Pete?
Person 1: What was his name?
Person 2: (sigh) Repeat....
Person 1: Pete and Repeat......
And so it continues. Person 1 cracking up at every repeat and Person 2 doing everything in their creative power not to say "Repeat" again.
I've been reading through the Psalms this summer and have noticed something very interesting. See, over and over the writers of these psalms use the words gracious, compassionate, righteous, faithful, stronghold, and other amazing words to describe God. It's like God is Person 1. He is sharing His feelings, His love, His compassion, His character with me, laughing out of pure giddiness and excitement. And I read these words and I feel like Person 2, trying everything I can to use any response to the statement other than what He wants. I sigh and think, "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Ok. Whatever. I know you love me...okie dokie, God."
One thing that is different between the joke of my childhood and God is that eventually Person 1 gets tired and Person 2 gets tired and the joke runs out of steam. But God never does. He never runs out of steam. He just keeps telling me. He keeps repeating the same lines over and over again, hoping for that response.
John 8:31-32 says, "...Jesus said, 'If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
It's amazing to me how true that statement is. I have found that the more I hold to His teachings and the more I try to look like Jesus, the more real His unfailing love becomes, the more real His compassion becomes, the more real His grace becomes. And the more I accept His love, His compassion, His grace and all the other things He repeats to me every day, the more free I become.
So, Pete and Repeat were sitting in a boat. Pete fell out; who was left?
5 years ago